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Opportunity Details

Invasive Plant Removal at Huguenot Flatwater

Join the James River Park System's Invasive Plant Management team in restoring native habitat! 

Leaders and volunteers will use hand pruners, loppers, and saws to remove invasive vines, shrubs, and trees. Tools and work gloves provided by JRPS.

Volunteers should:

*Register to participate 

*Arrive 5 minutes before the start time.

*Wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and sturdy closed-toe shoes. 

*Bring drinking water.

*Return a completed Youth Waiver Form if under 18 years old.

Hazards include but are not limited to: poison ivy, thorns, stinging insects, and over-heating. Please prepare accordingly. 


We will be meeting in the small gravel parking lot on Riverside Dr. across from Oxford Parkway. This is east of the Huguenot bridge and main Huguenot Flatwater entrance off Southampton. 


Additional Notes:

There is no bathroom facility or running water at this park. 

If you register but then can't participate, please cancel through the cfEngage/Hands On Greater Richmond system so that your spot may be open to other prospective volunteers. 

Cancellations of event will be communicated via email at least 1 hour prior to start time. 

Please contact the opportunity coordinator with any questions. 

Para espanol envie un correo electronico al coordinadora de oportunidades por favor. 

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.

Age Minimum (with Adult): 16+, Minimum Age:18+, Court Ordered Volunteer - Allowed

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

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