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Opportunity Details

Chimborazo Native Food Forest Work Day


Brief Organizational Description: 
Richmond Grows Gardens helps community gardens cultivate community in city spaces with plants to achieve food access and environmental resilience.

Chimborazo's Native food forest is a project to establish a native community orchard and grassland habitat in Chimborazo Park that is both ecologically diverse and edible to humans. Plantings in the garden include American hazelnut, plums, serviceberry, persimmon, elderberry, and Mulberry along with many native grass species. 

Volunteers activties may include tree planting, weeding, mulching, and weed wacking. 

Qualifications, Skills, & Requirements:
No training, background checks or qualifications or skills needed.

Time Commitment:

Other Information (if applicable):

  • Hours will be verified with a sign up sheet
  • Park at Chimborazo Dog Park at 3600 E Grace St, Richmond, VA 23223. We will meet at the bottom of the hill below parking.
  • See Pinned location: 
  • https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B031'25.7%22N+77%C2%B024'40.5%22W/@37.523801,-77.41126,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d37.523801!4d-77.41126
  • Water bottle
  • Water Cooler will be provided 
The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.

Age Minimum (with Adult): 1+, Minimum Age:13+

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  • Create a new team to sign up.

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