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Opportunity Details

Habitat Restoration Event (Invasive Plant Removal)


We will be working at Crooked Branch Ravine Park from 1-3 PM in coordination with Reedy Creek Coalition. Park at the west end of Northrop St. (but not in the circle). We will gather in the circle. We will be doing lots of bending to pull ivy "runners". The sheep ate all of the foliage but not the "runners"! We suggest dressing in layers for your comfort.

The mission of Friends of Forest Hill Park is to encourage and safeguard responsible use and care of the Park in collaboration with the City of Richmond.

Event Description: We will pull/cut invasive non-native plants, much of it English ivy. These plants are removed because nvasive plants outcompete native plants, and native plants provide food, protection, and places to reproduce and live for native birds, insects, and mammals.

Time Commitment: Up to 2 hours. Please arrive BEFORE the start time.

What to Bring: Work gloves if you have them. No open-toed footwear due to possibility of poison ivy.

Weather: We will work unless there's severe weather or heavy rain.

Location: Meet at the "Forest Hill Historic District" sign in the 3800 block of Forest Hill Ave. which is east of Roanoke St. traffic light. Closest parking is across F.H. Ave. on Brookside Rd.

Questions? 804-922-1288

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Age Minimum (with Adult): 8+, Minimum Age:14+, Court Ordered Volunteer - Allowed

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