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Opportunity Details

Tree maintenance day at Boushall Middle School during Moon Tree dedication

Brief Organizational Description: 
Southside ReLeaf is a community-based organization committed to environmental justice in South Richmond. Our goal is to improve the life expectancy and quality of life for Southside residents by increasincpaces, reducing pollution and improving infrastructure. We believe in uplifting voices that are often unheard and people-powered advocacy to build climate resilient neighborhoods.

Volunteer Position Description and Purpose:

Southside ReLeaf will be performing tree care maintenance on trees planted behind Boushall Middle School at their very special Moon Tree dedication event.  We will pull weeds, and add beautiful moisture retaining mulch rings around the trees.

Volunteer Duties & Responsibilities:

Volunteers will be using wheelbarrows, shovels and other tools to remove weeds, move mulch, and layer mulch around the base of trees. 

Qualifications, Skills, & Requirements:

There are no special skills required.  Those with a will to improve the landscape, and work with and in their community are fully equipped for success.

Time Commitment:

Saturday April 12, 2025.  We will be onsite 10a-1p.  Please plan to stay onsite for a minimum of 90 minutes but feel free to arrive later or leave early if necessary!

Boushall Middle School will be hosting their Moon Tree Dedication on Saturday, April 12 from 11 am - 1 pm. A Moon Tree is a tree whose seeds went to space. This event will be a true celebration, featuring food, a moon bounce, a DJ , gift card raffles, and more fun for the whole family. It is free to attend.


Other Information (if applicable):

  • Volunteers will have their work hours confirmed in the CFEngage suite. 
  • We will do a sample tree together to ensure that people feel comfortable with their role.  
  • Recommend wearing closed toe shoes, long pants and long sleeves.
  • Please bring your weed pulling energy!  Snacks and water will be provided.  If able, please bring a refillable water bottle.

Age Minimum (with Adult): 1+, Minimum Age:12+

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