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Opportunity Details

Looking for Directors of our Board!



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Are you a passionate person who dream of an Understanding and Peaceful global community, where everyone belongs, is celebrated, and is appreciated for our differences? Consider contacting us to learning more about joining the World U.P. Board of Directors. We are a small but passionate group of people working to build our World U.P. by improving access to resources that allow humans to connect, learn, and empower each other through kindness and love. Read below to Find Out More Details (spoiler: you don't need to live in Richmond!) and Express Interest to set up an informational call with a Board Member!

What is a Director of a Board?

Google will tell you that a board of directors is the group of persons legally and ethically responsible for all activities of the organization, but it's not as scary as it sounds. The legal and ethic responsibilities just mean that you understand that you're impacting others and responsible for an organization that has to follow laws.

At World U.P., that means that you actively work to make decisions that impact the future of the organization and the community we are serving. You're part of the group of people influencing the future of the Organization! If you're the type of person who chooses to do the right thing over the easy or cheapest thing, then you'll fit right in!

What makes an ideal World U.P. Director?

First and foremost, we are looking for people with a passion for supporting communities to create access and opportunities that allow others to embrace cultural diversity. We are a working Board, which means that we are actively involved in the organization's work - we don't just sit around making decisions. So, if you're the type of person who has ideas and wants to implement them (at an organization or Board level) or sees a problem and needs to fix it, then you'd fit right in!

We are looking for people who are:

  • Eager to participate at every meeting
  • Willing to prepare ahead for meetings
  • Anxious to serve on committees
  • Able to give financially
  • Have a Strong desire for stewardship to others
  • Are supportive, but willing to express their own opinion
  • Strive to learn as much as possible
  • Willing to volunteer and bring volunteers to support our programming

What does a Director do?

  • Attend and actively participate in at least 75% of board meetings (VIRTUALLY)
    • 90-minute meetings held January, February, March, April, May, September, October, & November
    • Other meetings are held as necessary, and usually accomplished via email.
  • Attend and actively participate in 1 Committee (1-3 hours per month as determined by the committee)
    • Governance/Compliance,
    • Finance,
    • Operations,
    • Communications
    • Or another committee required
  • Attend special events such as fundraisers
  • Sell tickets to fundraising events
  • Attend new board member orientation (approx. 2 hours)
  • Meet with potential donors/funders to make a case for funding the organization, answer questions, etc. (approx. 4 hours annually)
  • Choose 1:
  • Volunteer at 2 World U.P. Opportunities per year.
  • Potential to organize/participate in a volunteer activity that aligns with World U.P.’s initiatives. Request they wear World U.P. gear for promotions
  • Serve on an additional committee above the one committee minimum

OR (E-board Approval Required)

  • Develop a partnership between World U.P. and an organization where they live. 
  • Take the lead on a project initiative for the Executive Committee. 
  • Volunteer/offer services beyond the scope of the Board 
  • Or other opportunities as discussed and approved by the E-Board.

What kind of financial committment is required?

While large financial contributions are always appreciated, they aren't required to be a Director. To remain competitive for grant funding opportunities, we do require that every Director give annually. However, World U.P. doesn't set a minimum contribution level. We simply request Directors make an annual gift “commensurate or significant according to your circumstance” to the organization (in order to achieve 100% board giving). In addition, we require Directors to fundraise annually on behalf of the organization - in a way that makes sense for you.

Do I need to live in the RVA?

Nope! For a lot of reasons, we hold our Board Meetings Virtually (Google Hangouts) and have developed Director requirements that don't require you to be located in Richmond. Our long-term goals include expanding our presence outside of Richmond, Virginia (hence the World of World U.P.), so we welcome people from all different locations!


How to Find Out More?


Visit our Website and complete a Contact Us Form.


The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Arts & Culture

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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In order to register for this opportunity you must log in to an existing account or register to create a new account.


Sign up with a team

This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:

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We’re here to help you make an impact. Let’s connect and explore the possibilities.

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