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Organization Profile

Communities in Schools (CIS) of Richmond


Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. 

CIS supports K-12 students in 39 Richmond City and Henrico County high poverty neighborhood schools. Through early interventions and enrichment opportunities, CIS works with the community inside schools to help students succeed.

From kindergarten through high school graduation, we are guided by a set of 5 Basics—essentials that result in healthy development. When these basics are present, kids find success. Working alongside school staff, parents, volunteers, and business partners, Communities In Schools of Richmond extends the 5 Basics to as many students as possible.

  1. One-on-one relationship with a caring adult.
  2. Safe place to learn and grow.
  3. Healthy start and a healthy future.
  4. Marketable skill to use upon graduation.
  5. Chance to give back to peers and community.


Richmond, VA, 23230

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