Organization Profile
Since 2015, MAD4YU has provided FREE tutoring, life enhancement, and computer training to under-resourced individuals in Richmond and surrounding counties and families (youth 1st-12th, adults, and active seniors) with collaborations, donations, contributions, and assistance of committed and talented volunteers as agents of change.
The name reflects its very purpose: making a difference for you. That is – providing the tools for success – using computer literacy and study skills as the catalyst – to equip those who otherwise might not have access.
Utilizing ‘MAD-ly’ committed and talented volunteers as agents of change. Our volunteers are very qualified and represent numerous backgrounds, military/veterans, professionals, entrepreneurs, persons with disabilities, college grads, college students, and even middle and high school honor students.
The acronym MAD4YU signifies the passion and unwavering commitment towards accomplishing that objective: MAD, and motivated enough to provide life enrichment services and programs – For You.
While we have made some great strides, Making a Difference for You still has much to accomplish.