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Organization Profile

Ginter Park Baptist Church


As disciples of Jesus, we seek to live in such a way that our individual lives and our shared life together reflect the life of Christ in the world. With the help of the Holy Spirit, each of us thus commits to: Practice radical acceptance and welcome of all persons, affirming them as created in the image of God and as beloved of God Build relationships among ourselves and throughout our community in a commitment to shared mission and a common life Serve our Richmond neighbors and the wider world, working towards the dismantling of oppressive systems and serving with those whose lives seek transformation Engage in learning as a lifelong pursuit, acknowledging complexity and embracing mystery while seeking, giving, and receiving truths in humility Operate with a culture of generosity, trusting in the abundance of God and refusing to operate with a scarcity mentality Be accountable to one another, speaking out when necessary and asking awkward questions that may upset the status quo Live our lives as a conversation with God in a commitment to personal spiritual practices Extend grace to ourselves, to one another, and to all those whose paths we cross whenever we fall short of our pursuit to love God with our whole selves and our neighbor as ourselves.

Faith-Based Service
Families, Homeless, Low-income Communities, People with Disabilities, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups, LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender), Visitors & Travelers
Richmond, VA, 23261

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