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Organization Profile

Reel 'Em In


Mission Statement for REEL ‘EM IN To give underprivileged children the opportunity to learn to fish, the Chesapeake Bay and how to swim. We will offer swimming lessons through a local organization. We will teach the children fundamentals about fishing and boating safety. While fishing, the children will learn life lessons like patience, perseverance and persistence. The children in the community will be able to swim and fish. This experience will be shared with their family and friends, and to inspire them to try and learn new things. The children will benefit from their experience with Reel ‘Em In by not being afraid of the water. They will be more confident from learning new skills like fishing and swimming. The children will learn about the Chesapeake Bay and how to keep it clean.

Children & Youth Education
Low-income Communities
Glen Allen, VA, 23059

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